The Teachers' Scrounge

News and comments from the world of public education. A middle school math teacher shared what he learned today.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


They tell me that the Chinese work for "crisis" is composed of two characters: Danger and Opportunity. If that's true, that the internet is an education crisis!

Yes, yes, it's thriving with opportunity, but, man, you've got to watch those kiddos like a hawk! I'm constantly amazed by what they get around the internet filters. Google image search is blocked? Then used the Danish google site! (Who thought of that!?) Sometimes they're foolish enough to show me what they've accomplished. Then I trudge off to the campus technology rep, and VOILA! Look what I've accomplished! You're BLOCKED!

Usually the kiddos try to excuse their contraband. "Look, I'm playing math games!" or "I get more work done if I listen to vulgar music while I study!" But other times there is no excuse. Recently in the computer lab a student was trying to hide an internet explorer window where he was reading "Wikipedia: History of the Bloods." Wow. You can't even pretend you're on-task with that one. Especially since there are no research papers in summer school




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